Frequently Asked Questions
What will happen if my child doesn’t feel well while he/she is away? The Teen Travel Director will be the person handling all medical issues and will decide the best course of action. Medications can be given, parents can be called and a visit to a doctor, emergency clinic or hospital are possible if needed.
What if my child has daily medication?
You will receive a Health History and Exam Form to be completed with an emergency medical authorization release. The Addendum form will give us permission for your teen to have over-the-counter-medications on an as needed basis for upset stomach, headaches, bee stings, etc. All camper medications will be kept and dispensed at appropriate times by the designated health care provider. Parents will have the opportunity to speak with the Teen Travel Director about any specific health issues prior to the summer. Efforts are also made to accommodate health and dietary needs.
How much spending money should I send with my child?
From the weekly itinerary, you will be able to best determine along with your child how much money he/she will need. Spending money is for extra snacks and souvenirs. We ask that campers bring small bills and limit the amount so that there will be no problems with large amounts of cash.
What time will my child go to sleep at night?
When we arrive at a hotel, we usually stay in our rooms unless we are going to the pool or doing an evening activity. A “lights out/quiet time” will be in effect, dependent upon the day’s activities, arrival time at the hotel and wake-up times the next morning. A security guard is hired to sit outside our block of rooms at each hotel to ensure that everyone is safe overnight.
Will my child be able to call me while they are away?
Campers will be able to call home when there is time in the schedule to do so. A cell phone and electronics policies will be sent to all families in the spring.
What if my child loses his/her iPod, Phone or other items or damages property?
Sesame/Rockwood Camps is not responsible for the loss of or damage to any personal property or equipment. Parents are responsible for any damages that their child may cause to any property or equipment.
What expectations does the camp have about my child’s behavior? All campers and their parents/guardians will be asked to read and sign an Agreement of Conduct which will identify appropriate behavior for our program. The agreement outlines acceptable decorum on our trips. conduct in vehicles and supervision guidelines. We expect our teens to respect the rights of other campers, our staff and the guests at hotels, restaurants and attractions that we visit. No camper or staff member will be allowed to use alcohol, tobacco or drugs during the program. There are no allowances for absences, early withdrawal or removal of a camper due to breach of the Agreement of Conduct. If termination from the program is necessary, parents/guardians will be contacted and arrangements made immediately to remove their child from the group at their expense.
How will my child get to Sesame/Rockwood from our home and vice versa?
Central pick-up transportation is provided to and from camp by Sesame/Rockwood. Central pick up locations will be designated in Montgomery, Bucks, Delaware and Chester Counties in the Spring. Transportation is curbside to curbside at your home when campers do a combo program with day camp at Sesame/Rockwood. Self-trans to and from camp is also an option. Once the teens arrive at camp, they will be boarding a motorcoach bus as they head out toward their various overnight destinations.